Muros Permeables
HilbertRaum + Tiger Strikes Asteroid LA + guadalajara90210
Visit Us
Reuterstraße 31, 12047 Berlin
Fri, 28 Jun, 7 – 11 pm
Opening Performances:
8.30 pm / From Scratch by Elena Sohmen, Performance with Amel Baccouche, Raquel Victoria, Keny Chan and Elena Sohmen
9 pm / Rebellion by Howard Katz, Strange sounds & dances, analog electronic movement music performance
48 Stunden Neukölln Festival Hours
Sat, 29 Jun, 2 – 10 pm
Sun, 30 Jun, 2 – 7 pm
Gallery Hours:
Fri 4 – 7 pm
Sat & Sun 2 - 7 pm
Duration 28 Jun - 14 Jul
Participating artists:
Ramiro Ávila (MX), Victoire Barbo (MX), Bruno Enciso (MX), Ricardo Harris-Fuentes (US), Anita Kucharczyk (US), Alisa Ochoa (US), Kari Reardon (US), Marco Rountree (MX), Alma Saladin (MX), Guadalupe Salgado (MX), Anke Völk (DE), Daniel Wiesenfeld (DE), Surge Witrön (US).
Image: Ramiro Ávila, El-Fruto-del-Borde, courtesy of guadalajara90210 and the artists, photo Agustín Arce Figueroa.
Der Begriff "urbane Stille" klingt fast paradox, denn der ständig an- und abschwellende Lärm gehört zum städtischen Leben wie der Puls zum Körper. Die Geräusche der Stadt sind unsere ständigen Begleiter, sie stimulieren und stressen uns, während wir sie meist nur im Hintergrund unseres Bewusstseins wahrnehmen. Stille wird zum Luxusgut, dessen Erfahrung mit Orten erhabener Ruhe, wie Museen oder Meditationszentren, verbunden ist. Das kreative Leben in der Großstadt verkörpert dieses Paradoxon am stärksten, ein Schwanken zwischen dem Wunsch, sich dem urbanen Treiben auszusetzen und dem Bedürfnis, sich in die Stille des kreativen Prozesses zurückzuziehen. Die gemeinsame Ausstellung von drei Projekträumen aus den drei Partnerstädten Berlin, Los Angeles und Mexiko-Stadt zeigt Arbeiten von Künstler:innen, die sich auf sehr unterschiedliche Weise mit der Dualität von Lärm und Stille auseinandersetzen. Wie ein lebendiger Organismus hat jede dieser drei Metropolen ein einzigartiges Wesen, das die Größe und Art ihrer Klanglandschaft bestimmt und die Arbeit der dort lebenden Künstler:innen prägt. Zeitgleich mit 48 Stunden Neukölln ist die Ausstellung auch Teil des B-LA-M Festivals, das vom 27. Juni bis zum 14. Juli, 2024 in Berlin stattfindet. B-LA-M vertieft die Beziehungen zwischen den Freien Szenen in Berlin, L.A. und Mexiko-Stadt. 18 Künstlerkollektive aus jeder der drei Städte kommen hier zusammen, um gemeinsam Ausstellungen in den Berliner Veranstaltungsräumen zu kuratieren und sich zu vernetzen. Die stadtweiten Ausstellungen werden von einem transdisziplinären Programm begleitet, das Screenings, Performances,Talks, Führungen und vieles mehr umfasst.
The term 'urban silence' almost sounds paradoxical. The continual swelling and subsiding of noise is as much a part of urban life as the pulse of a body. The sounds of the city are our constant companions, they stimulate and stress us while we usually only perceive them in the background of our consciousness. Silence becomes a luxury good, the experience of which is linked to places of sublime tranquility, such as museums or meditation centers. Creative life in the big city embodies this paradox most strongly, an oscillation between the desire to expose oneself to the urban hustle and bustle, and the need to retreat into the silence of the creative process. The joint exhibition Muros Permeables by three project spaces from the three sister cities of Berlin, Los Angeles, and Mexico City features work by artists who deal with the duality of noise and silence in very different ways. Like a living organism, each of these three metropolises has a unique essence that determines the size and nature of its soundscape and shapes the work of the artists living there. Coinciding with 48 Hours Neukölln, the show is also part of the B-LA-M festival, which takes place from June 27 until July 14, 2024, in Berlin. B-LA-M aims to deepen the connections between the independent artistic communities of Berlin, Los Angeles, and Mexico City. Eighteen art initiatives and collectives from the three cities will collaborate in trios to develop and realize exhibitions together. The city-wide exhibitions will be accompanied by a transdisciplinary program featuring screenings, performances, talks, guided tours, and more.

HilbertRaum opened in January 2015 in the middle of Reuterkiez in the heart of Berlin-Neukölln. HilbertRaum is run by a group of 20 Berlin-based artists, who take turns curating and organizing two-week exhibitions throughout the entire year. Our projects cover a broad range of art, from painting, photography, sculpture, video, installation, screenings, lectures to performance. HilbertRaum is named after the infinitely dimensioned Hilbert space, a concept developed by the mathematician David Hilbert. To us, it represents an open, undetermined and evolving structure of self-organization with the expectation of the unexpected.
@guadalajara90210 is a project dedicated to contemporary art with venues in Mexico City and Guadalajara(MX). It explores new exhibition formats through the organization of projects. Founded in 2017, guadalajara90210 has four fundamental principles: valuing experimentation, generating collaborative dynamics, adapting to the social context and physical environment of each project, and considering exhibitions in symbiosis with the architecture of the specific place through specific museographies.
Tiger Strikes Asteroid
Tiger Strikes Asteroid is a non-profit network of independently programmed, artist-run exhibition spaces with locations in Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Greenville, SC. Our goal is to collectively bring people together, expand connections and create community through artist-initiated exhibitions, projects, and curatorial opportunities. We seek to build an ethos of cooperative achievement in the visual arts, creating the physical and emotional space for artists to show their work and exchange ideas on their own terms.