tender intelligences
Mutable Studios x Zentrum Für Netzkunst
Visit Us
1206 Maple Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Soft opening
July 7th
Bendix Building opening
July 9th
tender intelligences is a curatorship by Paloma Oliveira and Renata Gaui that aims to bring a plurality of artistic perspectives on artificial intelligence (AI). The intention of the curatorial approach hopes to inspire other communities around the globe to be co-creators of this technology that will likely impact their lives.
Seeking to create dialogues between projects that critically use and/or design artificial intelligence as a powerful, inclusive, community-driven technology, the selection of projects is based on a few guiding provocations: which community(ies) have a key role? How are they dealing with AI? What is their outcome and impact for the community itself and beyond?
tender intelligences is an exhibition on the use, design and care of community-driven AI that will first take place at the (im)Mutable Studio in Los Angeles this next summer and in the summer of 2023 at the Zentrum für Netzkunst in Berlin.
Collage made based on images by poieto designers Matt Asato-Adams and Michelle Gong.