Axel Obiger + Open Mind Art Space + Taller de Grafica Nahual
Visit Us
Brunnenstraße 29, 10119 Berlin
Sun, 30 June, 4-7 pm
Exhibition on View
30 June - 12 July
27 June - 04 July
Print Workshop
Thu, 4 July, 3 - 7 pm
Contact: info(at)axelobiger.com
Participating artists: Sergio Aguilera / Jevan Avila / Jane Brucker / Susanne Britz / Alke Brinkmann / Victoria Campa / Thilo Droste / Saeed Foroghi / Nathalie Grenzhaeuser / Harriet Groß/ Isabel Hermida / Frida Jimenez / Theresa Knopf / Gabriele Künne / Achim Kobe / Vida Liu / Alison Limtavemongkol / Jorge Lopez / Brian Mallman / Carolyn Mason / Lauren Maryam Moradi / Matthias Moravek / Roberto Martinez / Luz Morales Eduardo Morales / Enrico Niemann / Garen Novruzyan / Matt Allison / Maja Rohwetter/ Axel Rivera /David Romano / Sebastian Zapata
Axel Obiger, Triangulation with generative AI, 2024
This term describes the process of creating a network of points from three different geographical locations, but also a scientific approach to broaden the perspective on a research topic. In this sense, artists from Open Mind Art Space (L.A.), Taller de Grafica Nahual (Mexico City) and Axel Obiger (Berlin) are attempting to jointly determine positions in a thematically open exhibition format. In a trialogue installation process involving a variety of works, perspectives are changed and the respective artistic production is located locally and ideally. The specific hanging of the exhibition reflects this process, makes similarities and differences visible and creates the basis for the collaboration over the next three years.
Special: Print Workshop (with Roberto from Taller de Gráphica Nahual) at Axel Obiger on Thu, 4 July, 3 - 7 pm
Opening on Sun, 30 June / Exhibition 30 June - 12 July / Festival 27 June - 04 July
Dieser Begriff beschreibt den Prozess zur Erstellung eines Netzes von Punkten von drei verschiedenen geografischen Standorten aus, aber auch einen wissenschaftlichen Ansatz zur Erweiterung des Blickwinkels auf ein Forschungsthema. In diesem Sinne versuchen versuchen KünstlerInnen von Open Mind Art Space (L.A.) ,Taller de Grafica Nahual (Mexiko City) und Axel Obiger (Berlin) in einem thematisch offenen Format gemeinsam eine Standortbestimmung. In einem trialogischen Aufbauprozess mit vielfältigen Arbeiten werden Blickwinkel verändert und die jeweilige künstlerische Produktion lokal und ideell verortet. Die konkrete Hängung der Ausstellung bildet diesen Prozess ab, macht Verwandtschaften und Unterschiede sichtbar und bildet die Basis für die Zusammenarbeit in den nächsten 3 Jahren.
Special: Druckworkshop mit Roberto Martinez am Donnerstag, den 4.Juli, 13:00 - 19:00
Eröffnung am Sonntag, den 30.Juni / Ausstellung 30.6. - 12.07. / Festival 27.06. - 04.07.
Axel Obiger
Founded in 2009 as a project space for contemporary art in Berlin Mitte, Axel Obiger focuses on dialogues between its artists and invited guests. With their extensive program the 12 Axel Obiger artists have created an international venue for intensive artistic debates, based on high artistic quality. All shows are contextualized in an accompanying program with readings, lectures and screenings. The international network of Axel Obiger includes spaces in LA, Mexico City and Manchester. Through its commitment, Axel Obiger has received several national and international awards and fundings for its program so far.
Open Mind Art Space
Founded in 2016, Open Mind Art Space showcases contemporary art from a diverse blend of emerging artists. We are dedicated to facilitating a curatorial process that allows our artists to create impactful work. Our mission is to inspire and challenge the local Los Angeles community and beyond by encouraging open dialogue about conceptual art.
Taller de Grafica Nahual
An independent and self-managed artistic space that aims to support the creative processes of self-taught students, researchers and those interested in developing artistic projects focused on printmaking and drawing techniques. We generate close and sensitive accompaniment through the experience of our professionals in the areas in which we specialise. We establish a place of resistance and constant creation, focused on contemporary artistic work.